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check_data(data, only_numerical_values=True, only_square_matrix=False, min_rows=None, max_rows=None, min_columns=None, max_columns=None, as_pandas=False)

Checks if the data is valid for plotting. The function checks for:

  • The data is a DataFrame or numpy array of values.

  • If the data is a numpy array, it must be 1- or 2-dimensional.

  • (Optional) if the data is numerical.

  • (Optional) if data is a square matrix.

  • (Optional) If the data is a numpy array, it must have at least min_rows rows.

  • (Optional) If the data is a numpy array, it must have at most max_rows rows.

  • (Optional) If the data is a numpy array, it must have at least min_columns columns.

  • (Optional) If the data is a numpy array, it must have at most max_columns columns.


Name Type Description Default
data Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, NDArray]

The data which should be plotted. Either one or multiple columns of data.

only_numerical_values Optional[bool]

Whether to fail if the data is not numerical.

only_square_matrix Optional[bool]

Whether to fail the data is not a square matrix.

min_rows Optional[int]

The minimum number of rows the data must have.

max_rows Optional[int]

The maximum number of rows the data must have.

min_columns Optional[int]

The minimum number of columns the data must have.

max_columns Optional[int]

The maximum number of columns the data must have.

as_pandas bool

Whether to keep data as or convert data to pd.DataFrame



Type Description
Union[NDArray[Any], pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]

Union[pd.DataFrame, NDArray]: The data that passes all checks, and is converted to the required dtype.


Type Description

If the data is not a DataFrame, numpy array, or list of values.


If the data is a numpy array with a non-numerical dtype.


If the data is a numpy array is not a square matrix.


If the data is a numpy array with more than 2 dimensions.

Source code in blitzly/etc/
def check_data(
    data: Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, NDArray],
    only_numerical_values: bool = True,
    only_square_matrix: bool = False,
    min_rows: Optional[int] = None,
    max_rows: Optional[int] = None,
    min_columns: Optional[int] = None,
    max_columns: Optional[int] = None,
    as_pandas: bool = False,
) -> Union[NDArray[Any], pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]:
    """Checks if the data is valid for plotting. The function checks for:

    - The data is a DataFrame or numpy array of values.

    - If the data is a numpy array, it must be 1- or 2-dimensional.

    - *(Optional)* if the data is numerical.

    - *(Optional)* if data is a square matrix.

    - *(Optional)* If the data is a numpy array, it must have at least `min_rows` rows.

    - *(Optional)* If the data is a numpy array, it must have at most `max_rows` rows.

    - *(Optional)* If the data is a numpy array, it must have at least `min_columns` columns.

    - *(Optional)* If the data is a numpy array, it must have at most `max_columns` columns.

        data (Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, NDArray]): The data which should be plotted.
            Either one or multiple columns of data.
        only_numerical_values (Optional[bool]): Whether to fail if the data is not numerical.
        only_square_matrix (Optional[bool]): Whether to fail the data is not a square matrix.
        min_rows (Optional[int]): The minimum number of rows the data must have.
        max_rows (Optional[int]): The maximum number of rows the data must have.
        min_columns (Optional[int]): The minimum number of columns the data must have.
        max_columns (Optional[int]): The maximum number of columns the data must have.
        as_pandas (bool): Whether to keep data as or convert data to pd.DataFrame

        Union[pd.DataFrame, NDArray]: The data that passes all checks, and is converted to the required dtype.

        TypeError: If the data is not a DataFrame, numpy array, or list of values.
        TypeError: If the data is a numpy array with a non-numerical `dtype`.
        ValueError: If the data is a numpy array is not a square matrix.
        ValueError: If the data is a numpy array with more than 2 dimensions.

    if isinstance(data, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, np.ndarray)) is False:
        raise TypeError(
            Invalid data type! Type `{data.__class__.__name__}` is not supported.
            Please choose between a DataFrame, numpy array, or list of values.

    if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and as_pandas:
        df = pd.DataFrame(data)

    if isinstance(data, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)):
        df = data.copy()
        data = data.to_numpy()

    if only_numerical_values and data.dtype not in [
        raise TypeError("Data must be numerical (`np.number`)!")

    if only_square_matrix and data.shape[0] != data.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Data must be a square matrix! But it's shape is: `{data.shape}`."

    if data.ndim > 2:
        raise ValueError("NumPy array must be 1- or 2-dimensional!")

    if min_rows and data.shape[0] < min_rows:
        raise ValueError(f"The data must have at least {min_rows} row(s)!")

    if max_rows and data.shape[0] > max_rows:
        raise ValueError(f"The data must have a maximum of {max_rows} row(s)!")

    if min_columns and data.shape[1] < min_columns:
        raise ValueError(f"The data must have at least {min_columns} column(s)!")

    if max_columns and data.shape[1] > max_columns:
        raise ValueError(f"The data must have a maximum of {max_columns} column(s)!")

    if "df" in locals() and as_pandas:
        return df

    return data.copy()

save_show_return(fig, write_html_path=None, show=True)

Saves the figure if needed, shows the figure if needed, and returns a it.


Name Type Description Default
fig BaseFigure

The Plotly figure.

write_html_path Optional[str]

The path to which the histogram should be written as an HTML file. If None, the histogram will not be saved.

show bool

Whether to show the figure.



Name Type Description
BaseFigure BaseFigure

The Plotly figure.

Source code in blitzly/etc/
def save_show_return(
    fig: BaseFigure, write_html_path: Optional[str] = None, show: bool = True
) -> BaseFigure:
    """Saves the figure if needed, shows the figure if needed, and returns a

        fig (BaseFigure): The Plotly figure.
        write_html_path (Optional[str]): The path to which the histogram should be written as an HTML file.
            If None, the histogram will not be saved.
        show (bool): Whether to show the figure.

        BaseFigure: The Plotly figure.

    if write_html_path:
    if show:
    return fig

update_figure_layout(fig, title=None, size=None, show_legend=None, show_scale=None)

Updates the figure by setting the title and also scales the plot to the given size.


Name Type Description Default
fig BaseFigure

The Plotly figure.

title Optional[str]

Title of the plot.

show_legend Optional[bool]

Whether to show the legend.

show_scale Optional[bool]

Whether to show the scale.

size Optional[Tuple[int, int]

Size of the plot.



Name Type Description
BaseFigure BaseFigure

The Plotly figure.

Source code in blitzly/etc/
def update_figure_layout(
    fig: BaseFigure,
    title: Optional[str] = None,
    size: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None,
    show_legend: Optional[bool] = None,
    show_scale: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> BaseFigure:
    """Updates the figure by setting the title and also scales the plot to the
    given size.

        fig (BaseFigure): The Plotly figure.
        title (Optional[str]): Title of the plot.
        show_legend (Optional[bool]): Whether to show the legend.
        show_scale (Optional[bool]): Whether to show the scale.
        size (Optional[Tuple[int, int]): Size of the plot.

        BaseFigure: The Plotly figure.

    if title:

    if show_legend is not None:

    if show_scale is not None:
        fig["data"][0]["showscale"] = show_scale

    if size:
    return fig